
We appreciate every kind of support – be it voluntary work or financial aid.

Voluntary work

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.
Phone: +39 0473 42 51 49
Mobile: +39 339 43 21 283

Friends of the villa

Become a friend and a member of the friends’ association!

  • The annual membership fee costs 100 €. As a member you enjoy free admission to the museum.
  • Members who pay more than 500 € as an annual fee gain free admission for 5 companions in addition and they can also bring 10 people to the summer party in the park.

Personal sponsorship

Many objects worth seeing still wait to be restored. If you’d like to help conserve and exhibit these objects with a sponsorship, we will be happy to send you a list of objects. And maybe it’s love at first sight?

The house museum Villa Freischütz’ was financially supported by

Provinzia Autonoma de Bulsan - Südtirol - Museums

The following companies supported the house museum Villa Freischütz’:

Sponsors logos: Wörnhart Restaurierung-Malerei, Perkmann Bau, Malerbetrieb Reiterer, Öko lights service, Hydro Pircher, Nicom Securalarm, Elektrobau, Santer Tischlerei, Moser Tischlerei, Marangoni Mobili e Arredamenti, Frame Shop, Dolomitetiles, Schwazer Kunstschmiede, Prünster Christoph, Studio Sacchin, w2 architekten Simon Wellenzohn

Sponsors logos: durst, Hotel Zea Curtis, Feurich, GrünKonzept, Unterweger Partner